Choice2.gif (1066 bytes)  History Vicissitudes

dot3t.gif (980 bytes)History Vicissitudes of School Last update 2002.09

The antecedence of Fuh-Shing Junior High School was the first branch of I-Lan County District Junior High School (Principle Mr. Ru-Xiang Hsu), the branch Director Mr. Shin-Ming Lee who in charges the preparatory works of the school establishment. 1968, The Government implemented the  " National 9 - Year Compulsory Education" , the school was permitted to be established at August the same year. Mr. Zhi-Song Yang, the first appointed Principle who assumed office at 5th of July 1968, then started to arrange the school opening matters positively, and the school was formally opened at 9th of September 1968. Principle Yang then promulgated the "Impartiality, Sincerity, Diligence, Perseverance" as school motto, and then managed the school 12 years by the spirit – "School as Family" , and makes FSJH as one of the best Junior high school in East Taiwan.

In August 1970, Principle Yang was transferred to Chung-Hua Junior High School, the Government of Province assigned Mr. Bo-Wen Feng as the successor, when Principle Feng took over the office, he started to expand the school premises and facilities, to make school with more bigger scale than ever. March 1989, Principle Feng was transferred to Dong-Guang Junior High School, the Government of Province assigned Mr. Guo-Dong Pai as the successor who comprehensively planed and promoted the school administrative affairs, to make the scale up to the new heights. When Principle Pai retired at August 1994, Mr. Wen-Hsiung Lin was transferred as the successor, Principle Lin was the fist one who held a public contest for campus design and construction works, created a new model as the excellent teaching and learning environment in school.

In August 1998, Mr. Hsi-Shiun Chiang took over the office, in accordance with the spirit of school establishment, he planed with keen determination, investigated the pulsation of Educational Reformation, emphasized the importance of communication and cooperation, aroused the efficiency of administrative affairs. Lots of regulations and systems were established during his term of service, especially to the embellished and afforested campus. today, our solemn, elegant and magnificent campus are all given credit for him.

When Principle Chiang retired at July 2001, Mr. Chih-Yong Chen, our former Director of Instruction who had won the Countywide Principle contest, became the new successor and took over the office. After he assumed office, he positively promoted the "1st - 9th Grades Curriculum Alignment" and experimental works of "instruction, Discipline and  Guidance,  3 in 1 system" , expecting to implement the ideal of Educational Reformation, he deeply believed that FSJH will once again create the new heights of standard in near future. Excellence and warmness are the superior tradition of FSJH, with the hard workings by all these successors, FSJH certainly become one of the best Junior High School with the essential of "Love and Hope".

dot3t.gif (980 bytes)The Reflections of History



91 確定學校願景:打造一所 "愛" 與 "希望" 的校園;
學校教育目標:培育健康自信, 互助合群, 負責有禮, 創意前瞻, 勇於夢想的青少年.
90 五期大樓工程及周邊景觀工程完工.
本校辦理校長推薦實施辦法, 校長校內初選正式編制教職員都有投票權.
 "復興學論" 復刊
訂定 "本校課程發展委員會設置要點"
訂定本校 "建立學生輔導新體制-教學, 訓導, 輔導三合一整合實驗計畫"
89 社區大學於本校正式開課
87 蔣錫勳校長履薪, 林文雄校長調國華國中.
86 奉指定辦理音樂資優班. 辦理設校三十週年慶祝活動.
85 奉指定為本縣訓導工作會報召集學校.
83 奉教育部指定辦理基隆, 宜蘭地區國中工藝, 體育教學觀摩研討會, 及本縣環境保育中心學校.
 "親職教育專刊" 創刊, 加強親職教育工作.
82 奉宜蘭縣政府指定承辦宜蘭縣國中英語應用能力推展工作. 奉宜蘭縣政府指定辦理宜蘭縣國中學生才藝教育競賽.
奉教育廳指定辦理宜蘭縣資訊教師研討會暨資訊教師知能研習, 電腦諮詢輔導.
81 奉宜蘭縣政府指定辦理國立師範大學結業生教育實習研習會及地區性電腦研習. 奉宜蘭縣政府指定辦理宜蘭縣國民中小學科學研習成果展示暨園遊會. 奉教育廳指定辦理宜蘭縣資訊教師研討會及電腦諮詢輔導.
79 受國立教育資料館委託辦理國民中學國文科教學影帶應用發表會.
78 奉宜蘭縣政府指定辦理宜蘭縣國民中學資訊教學發展中心. 奉宜蘭縣政府指定辦理鄉土教材語言篇宜蘭市實驗學校.
72 奉廳令辦理機動性追蹤輔導工作.
於五月四日建校十五週年時出版 "復興學論" 第一期.
71 成立 "復興學論" 編輯委員會.
70 奉令負責宜蘭市中小學科學研習中心工作.
67 成立全縣推展指導活動中心.
66 奉省教育廳令, 成立全縣國民中學指導活動研究發展中心, 並辦理加強民族精神教育之環境佈置, 對學生行為影響之專題研究.
65 奉令辦理加強社會教育實驗示範工作一年.
62 奉准設立國民中學附設夜間部補習學校.
60 經省教育廳指示為宜蘭地區發展科學教育之示範學校.
校刊 "復興少年" 創刊號於元旦出版.
59 奉令舉辦國文科魏軾教學法之實驗工作.
57 政府實施九年國民義務教育, 本校奉准成立.
奉令辦理語文和社會科教材, 教法之實驗工作三年.